Friday 9 September 2011

It had been a long, long time

I used to blog, as a means to keep people who I know (and people who know me) up-to-date about my journey in ministry.  Eventually, three years ago, after quite a large amount of negative feedback to my leaders (employers?) by people who read too much into what I write, after too much (wrong and unjustified) assumptions were made by too many people who believe they knew and understood the struggle of a young man who chose to consecrate his life for God, I gave up on blogging.

Eventually, after being extremely tired of under the constant scrutiny of loving Christian brothers and sisters who knew better than myself of how to handle my ministries and my struggles, at the middle of last year, I took yet another step of faith and left full-time attachment from the church setting (others had said I left full-time ministry, there is a big difference, but sadly, people chose not to see it).  

I was at a national level Christian conference a week ago, and to my surprise (and dismay), several persons I know thought I dropped out of ministry completely as this blog was taken offline a couple of years back after much frustration.  So I guess, it is time that I return to the blogging scene.

Now that I am back in the secular working world, and still maintaining my ministries of mentoring and grooming boys and young men to be more Christ-like, I hope I can continue to blog (and thus keep my prayer partners and friends updated about my ministries) without drawing anymore unnecessary 'attention' (for lack of better word).

To my friends and prayer partners, thank you for being there all these while, do rest assured that I am still very much here, still doing the same thing (not giving up); and to those who feels you 'know' my struggles and my relationship with God better than myself, a genuine plea from my heart, from one Christian brother to another (or to a Christian sister), your prayers would be much more appreciated than your judgments.

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